Xiphos Japan – Supporting small to medium sized Japanese companies to overseas.

Business Blog

IT infrastructure Australia

In Japan, the Internet line is an optical line as it is natural. Japanese people who are familiar with that sp …

About Union in Australia

Recently in Japanese news, I often see problems with working styles. There is a movement of government-led com …

Dark clouds in Australia’s “housing bubble”?

“Australia real estate prices never fall!” The Australian real estate industry has had some temporary declines …

Work style in Australia

Recently in Japanese news, I often see problems with working styles. There is a movement of government-led com …

Think from the welfare after retirement

It is universal not only in Japan and Australia, but also universally to worry about your physical age. In Jap …

“Food machinery” market where demand is increasing overseas

It is not necessary to mention further, but Japanese food has gained citizenship all over the world, and it is …

Japan’s “fishery machine technology” that the world pays attention to

In recent years news, etc., Chinese and Korean vessels invading Japan’s territorial water without permis …

Potential of “clean energy” in overseas business

The big earthquake that hit Hokkaido the other day was widely featured in the Australian news. Though temporar …

Potential of “Packaging Machines” in the World Market

Due to the spread of the Internet, the number of paper-based media publications in Japan is decreasing year af …

Australia Motor Industry

Large items are used in thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants, small items are used in automobil …

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