Xiphos Japan – Supporting small to medium sized Japanese companies to overseas.

Business Blog

Problems in the internationalisation of Japanese agriculture

  Conflicts in Corona, Ukraine, the Gaza Strip and elsewhere have led to the breakdown of previously robu …

The fall of the Made in Japan brand part 2

  Continuing from last month, we examine why the brand power of ‘Made in Japan’ has declined, both from s …

Made in Japan The decline of the brand

        It is an unfortunate fact that ‘Made in Japan’, once synonymous with ‘cheap and hi …

On the issue of overtourism

      Aiming to gain foreign currency, Japan has been campaigning to attract tourists to Japan …

On the issue of high prices in Australia.

  The sharp depreciation of the yen, global contingency issues such as the Ukrainian crisis and the effec …

Problems in Australian irrigated agriculture.

  As you know, Japan relies on imports for most of the goods that are essential for life, such as energy …

Employment and work for older Australians

Japan’s declining birthrate and ageing population have been a problem for quite some time now, and the g …

Decline in Japan’s customer service capabilities.

Customer service is one of Japan’s proudest assets to the world. In addition to visiting Japan for its c …

Cricket Included as Sport in the 2028 Olympics

  The other day, it was officially decided that cricket will be included as an additional sport in the 20 …

Australia’s water business heating up.

  Australia, as you know, is a large country compared to Japan, with a total land area 20 times larger. H …

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