Xiphos Japan – Supporting small to medium sized Japanese companies to overseas.

Business Blog

Australia’s nursing care system

Japan’s population pyramid is gradually shifting from a triangular shape to an inverted triangle, due to …

Differences in business speed between Japan and other countries

Want to do business with Japanese companies from abroad. We want to explore the possibility of expanding our s …

Importance of contracts

The Government of Japan has announced that it will abolish PCR inspections 72 hours in advance, albeit on a co …

A business style that doesn’t talk about money

Although the number of corona cases continues to rise, the level of shock in both the public and private secto …

Australian federal election to change government.

The House of Councillors election will soon be held in Japan, and an election was held in Australia not long a …

Farmers who are not afraid to evolve will succeed

The exchange rate between the Japanese yen and the US dollar recently hit 135 yen to the dollar for the first …

Business opportunities for Japanese farmers!

It will soon be three months since Russia first invaded Ukraine. The Japanese mass media has been reporting on …

Moving manufacturing bases from overseas to domestic in Japan

April marks the start of a new school year, and many people are excited about their new lives as they advance …

Japan’s energy market relies on foreign countries

Russia has invaded neighboring Ukraine. Ukraine was part of the former Soviet Union and was one of the countri …

Australia’s Labor Market Relies on Foreigners

Corona has been topping the news every day in Japan, and I can’t deny that I’m a little bored. Wit …

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